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Wendy Not Windy

A Letter To The Girl Who’s Still Single

 A Letter To The Girl Who’s Still Single Dear fellow sister in Christ,  I know you wonder everyday, “why am I still single?” Everyone starts pairing off and you’re still standing there…hoping, wishing and maybe even pleading with God. There’s so so many nights when I know your pillow must be saturated with tears as your heart breaks. You’ve got a playlist of sad songs a mile long that you listen to when you’re feeling especially mopey.  Dear girl who’s still single,  who wonders if God has somehow forgotten about her,  who  wonders if she missed some train or bus that everyone else already boarded.  You are not forgotten. God not only remembers you, but He cares about the deepest groanings in your heart.  Those nights when your sad playlists just don’t seem to reach the level of heartache  you feel.  God hasn’t forgotten. Those moments at bridal showers that it takes everything in you not to break down and cry.  God hasn’t left you.  He’s with you. 

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