Ready, Set, Go?!

Lord, give me eyes to see with clarity, because right now I feel like I’m walking down a pitch dark path and I have zero clue where I’m going!
Trusting people is hard.
Letting go of past hurt is hard. But I must do both in order to heal.
So, day by day I’m trusting your processes, though I don’t understand them.
Day by day I’m trying my hardest to hear your still, small voice above the raging storm of anxiety in my head right now.
The testing is coming and I have no study guide to prepare myself.
You’re asking me to trust you and that scares me to my core because all I can see in any direction is unknown territory.
I have to throw out all my previous  references because they’re all scuffed up and blurred by the scars of my past. They can’t help me now...
Alright, let’s do this.


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