This Might Be The Most Real Blog Post I’ve Written Thus Far pt. 2

So what do I do?
How can I allow myself to feel when I’m so very terrified of feeling these ugly wounds again.
See, when I minimized my hurt, at least it looked neat and put together from the surface.
Now I’m facing myself in the mirror...

As I sat there waiting, something happened...

The best way to sum up what followed is in this passage taken from Lysa TerKeurst’s Real Life Devotionals...

“My friend took my hand again and we journeyed forward. “Don’t belittle your grief. Your pain is genuine. This valley is real. You must acknowledge the Lord is near and accept his help to get out.”

Had I allowed myself to feel without fear? Had I given myself the freedom to feel safe enough to flush these wounds out?  Most importantly, has allowed God to unbandage my gaping wounds and clean them? 
Yes, this will hurt...a lot...but it needs to be done. 

Today o’clock, I chose to heal. 
I’m not quite sure what it will look like in the coming weeks, months or years. 

What does healing look like for you right now?


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