Friday Thoughts

For those like myself, that work with children, oftentimes, the ones that need to be loved the hardest are the ones that test our patience the most often. 

The child that needs my love the most 
Is the one that will test my patience the most.
The child that shouts the most
Perhaps they shout because that’s the only way they know how to be heard.
The child that rolls their eyes or sighs loudly
Someone probably treated them that way.

Not every child you’re going to come into contact with will understand what healthy love and affection looks like. 
Be prepared to be possibly the only encouragement they receive.
Be prepared to be possibly the only safe space they receive.
And love that child. 
Show them they have value.
Show them they have worth.
Model kindness and inclusion.
Because they might be learning it for the first time...


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