You Need Friends!
If I could stick a Post-It note to my forehead, it would say, “I need community!” There’s no denying that much of the brokenness in my heart and mind stem from isolation and unhealthy amounts of solitude. I need people. Socialization is the best antidepressant and anti anxiety medication I could take personally.
For those of you who are familiar with the Enneagram, I’m a 99 Loyalist, 97 Individualist and a 95 Observer. At my best, I’m reliable, trustworthy, creative, and a calm decision-maker. At my worst, I can be anxious, fearful, depressed, and detached emotionally.
When God created man, He said, “it is not good for man to be alone…” From the beginning of time, God designed you and I for community. We were not meant to spend copious amounts of time by ourselves, facing our problems, our fears, our anxieties alone. To my fellow Observers, you need community. To my Loyalists, you need to leave fear behind and step outside your comfort zone.
Last night, I stepped outside my comfort zone. No excuse I could think of was good enough. Let’s be real, they were super lame anyways. I was glad I went. Being with a community of women, walking along side by side, and doing this adulting thing together isn’t quite so heavy and daunting when you have friends to share the road!
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